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AIMIC: Deep Learning for Microscopic Image Classification

Recommended citation: Liu, R., Dai, W., Wu, T., Wang, M., Wan, S. and Liu, J., 2022. AIMIC: Deep Learning for Microscopic Image Classification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 226, p.107162.

Deeply Supervised Skin Lesions Diagnosis with Stage and Branch Attention

Recommended citation: Dai, W., Liu, R., Wu, T., Wang, M., Yin, J. and Liu, J., 2023. Deeply Supervised Skin Lesions Diagnosis with Stage and Branch Attention. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

Deep Learning-based Microscopic Cell Detection Using Inverse Distance Transform and Auxiliary Counting

Recommended citation: Liu, R., Dai, W., Wu, C., Wu, T., Wang, M., Zhou, J., Zhang, X., Li, W.J. and Liu, J., 2024. Deep Learning-based Microscopic Cell Detection Using Inverse Distance Transform and Auxiliary Counting. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

Any Region Can Be Perceived Equally and Effectively on Rotation Pretext Task Using Full Rotation and Weighted-region Mixture

Recommended citation: Dai, W., Wu, T., Liu, R., Wang, M., Yin, J. and Liu, J., 2024. Any Region Can Be Perceived Equally and Effectively on Rotation Pretext Task Using Full Rotation and Weighted-region Mixture. Neural Networks, 176, p.106350.

High-resolution Cross-scale Transformer: A Deep Learning Model for Bolt Loosening Detection Based on Monocular Vision Measurement

Recommended citation: Wu, T., Shang, K., Dai, W., Wang, M., Liu, R., Zhou, J. and Liu, J., 2024. High-resolution Cross-scale Transformer: A Deep Learning Model for Bolt Loosening Detection Based on Monocular Vision Measurement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133, p.108574.

Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Sperm Feature-correlated Network

Recommended citation: Dai, W., Wu, Z., Liu, R., Wu, T., Wang, M., Zhou, J., Zhang, Z. and Liu, J., 2024. Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Sperm Feature-correlated Network. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.


Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Cross-scale Guidance Network

Recommended citation: Dai, W., Wu, Z., Wang, J., Liu, R., Wu, T., Wang, M., Zhou, J., Zhang, Z. and Liu, J. (2024). Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Cross-scale Guidance Network, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

SoSegFormer: A Cross-scale Feature Correlated Network for Small Medical Object Segmentation

Recommended citation: Dai, W., Wu, Z., Liu, R., Zhou, J., Wang, M., Wu, T., and Liu, J. (2024). SoSegFormer: A Cross-scale Feature Correlated Network for Small Medical Object Segmentation, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.


Preprint: SvANet

Recommended citation: SvANet: Early detection of mild syndromes is crucial for effective patient treatment. We have proposed a novel framework to examine infected areas with an area ratio of less than 1%. Check out the open-access publication, code, and data at the links below!


Oral presentation at ICRA-2024


I presented at 2024 ICRA for our oral paper: Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Cross-scale Guidance Network. Check out our slides ICRA24_1997.pdf.

Poster at ISBI-2024


I presented at 2024 ISBI conference for our poster paper: SoSegFormer: A Cross-scale Feature Correlated Network for Small Medical Object Segmentation. Check out our poster ISBI24_poster.pdf.

Seminar talk at CityU


I discussed the problem of non-invasive sperm analysis in deep learning and new understanding based on features cross-scale guidance, slides are available here.


MNE6005/MNE8113 Micro Systems Technology

Undergraduate and graduate course, City University of Hong Kong, 2022

I tutored the Micro Systems subject.

MNE8116 Computer Controlled Systems

Graduate course, City University of Hong Kong, 2023

I tutored the Computer Systems subject.

MNE6005/MNE8113 Micro Systems Technology

Undergraduate and graduate course, City University of Hong Kong, 2023

I tutored the Micro Systems subject.

MNE4032 Robotics and Machine Vision

Undergraduate course, City University of Hong Kong, 2024

I tutored the Robotic for Manufacturing subject.

MNE6005/MNE8113 Micro Systems Technology

Undergraduate and graduate course, City University of Hong Kong, 2024

I tutored the Micro Systems subject.