Dai, W., Wu, Z., Liu, R., Wu, T., Wang, M., Zhou, J., Zhang, Z. and Liu, J., 2024. Automated Non-invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Sperm Feature-correlated Network. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Mentees’ names were underlined. Asterisk indicates dual first-author position. Open access articles or preprints () are linked below; all other PDFs ( ) are provided for personal use only. Supplementary materials on GitHub () and OSF () for each publication are linked below the citation.
Peer-reviewed Journals
Wu, T., Shang, K., Dai, W., Wang, M., Liu, R., Zhou, J. and Liu, J., 2024. High-resolution Cross-scale Transformer: A Deep Learning Model for Bolt Loosening Detection Based on Monocular Vision Measurement. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 133, p.108574.
Dai, W., Wu, T., Liu, R., Wang, M., Yin, J. and Liu, J., 2024. Any Region Can Be Perceived Equally and Effectively on Rotation Pretext Task Using Full Rotation and Weighted-region Mixture. Neural Networks, 176, p.106350.
Liu, R., Dai, W., Wu, C., Wu, T., Wang, M., Zhou, J., Zhang, X., Li, W.J. and Liu, J., 2024. Deep Learning-based Microscopic Cell Detection Using Inverse Distance Transform and Auxiliary Counting. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Dai, W., Liu, R., Wu, T., Wang, M., Yin, J. and Liu, J., 2023. Deeply Supervised Skin Lesions Diagnosis with Stage and Branch Attention. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Liu, R., Dai, W., Wu, T., Wang, M., Wan, S. and Liu, J., 2022. AIMIC: Deep Learning for Microscopic Image Classification. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 226, p.107162.