About Me

I’m an PhD candidate under the supervision of Professor Jun Liu at the Centre for Robotics and Automation of City University of Hong Kong. Additionally, I collaborate with Prof. Yixuan Yuan, Prof. Jianqin Yin and Prof. Zhuoran Zhang. I am also affiliated with the Multiscale Automation and Robotics Laboratory (MARS Lab). Previously, I received my B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from the South China University of Technology, where I worked with Professor Zhenping Wan .

My Research interests lie at the intersection medical image analysis, computer vision, and deep learning. My goal is to develop innovative and intelligent systems that facilitate efficient and high-quality medical diagnoses and interventions. Recently, my focus has been on analysing small medical objects to aid in the early diagnosis of diseases. I am also intrigued by label-efficient deep learning solutions, such as data augmentation in self-supervised learning and domain adaptation, to create reliable and effective intelligent systems.

Latest updates

  • 07/2024: One paper on cell detection using density map was accepted to IEEE JBHI.
  • 06/2024: One paper on non-invasive sperm analysis was accpeted to IEEE TASE.
  • 06/2024: Poster presenation at ISBI2024, Athens, Greece.
  • 06/2024: Oral presentation at ICRA2024, Yokohama, Japan.
  • 04/2024: One paper on self-supervised learning was accpeted to Neural Networks.
  • 03/2024: One paper on cell counting was accpeted to IEEE TASE.
  • 02/2024: One paper was accpeted to ISBI2024.
  • 01/2024: One paper was accpeted to ICRA2024.
  • 08/2023: One paper on light-weight transformer for skin detection was accpeted to IEEE JBHI.

Recent work

SvANet: Early detection of mild syndromes is crucial for effective patient treatment. We have proposed a novel framework to examine infected areas with an area ratio of less than 1%. Check out the open-access publication, code, and data at the links below!